
Powder Room Decorating Ideas On A Budget

Love these beautiful and inexpensive ideas for decorating a small bathroom!

A huge thanks to Behr for sponsoring this post! My favorable opinion of beautiful, high-quality paint is 100% my own. 🙂 For more information, see my disclosures here.

Sometimes I get crazy ideas in my head. Donnie knows this. I always remind him that it's one of the things he loves most about me. 🙂

He can always tell when I have an idea brewing. I start dropping subtle (or not-so subtle) hints. Usually he gently tries to talk me out of it, listing many [incredibly valid] reasons why my crazy idea is... well, crazy. But usually I do it anyway. Oops. 😀

But, you GUYS. Making over the powder room when we were up to our eyeballs in a kitchen renovation made complete sense! {I promise!} You know how when you get something new and it's sitting there looking all beautiful, and then all of the sudden the thing next to it looks totally out of place, so you need to do something about that too? That is totally what happened here.

You see, things were finally starting to come together in the kitchen and look something like this:

How to Make a Simple Shelf |

It's all nice and bright and pretty (and not yet finished, but we're getting there) and looking lovely. I even turned our old coat closet into a nice, organized pantry to go with it...

How to Organize a Pantry |

I know that it can be hard to picture where everything is, so I made you a little diagram 🙂 :

How to Make a Simple Shelf |

(Bear with me-- I am not an architect! Clearly.)

So do you see what is right next to that kitchen that is coming right along and that pantry that is oh-so-nice-and-organized? A not-so-pretty powder room. I would grab something from our beautiful new pantry, peek in the door of the powder room right beside it, and be met with this:

How to Revamp a Powder Room for Less than $50 |

Do you know what that photo is from? It's from one of my first "room reveals" ever on the blog. This was the "after" shot-- hysterical! We all have to start somewhere! 😉 Apparently I thought that the powder room had to be powder blue, and clearly that was during my "paint all of the furniture black" phase.

Since the kitchen is currently eating up most of my home improvement budget, I was determined to do a little "refresh" for this room as inexpensively as possible, setting myself a $50 limit. It is a tiny room, but accessories and decor pieces can add up quickly, so I knew I might be pushing it! So how did I decorate a powder room on a super tight budget? I'm so glad you asked!

1. I painted.

I started with one of the most inexpensive ways to transform a room-- paint. I actually had some paint left over from when we painted our master bedroom, and I LOVED it, so I decided to use that for the walls. (The color is Behr Marquee's Silver City MQ2-59.) The vanity was in desperate need of a change as well, so I picked up a little $4 sample of Behr Premium Plus Ultra Clear Pond PPU13-15, and I was in business. {Because do I ever do a room that doesn't include a little aqua? Answer: no. 😉 }

How to Revamp a Powder Room for Less than $50 |

I am always amazed at how much a little bit of paint and a few accessories can change a room. Bye bye powder blue, hello...

How to Revamp a Powder Room for Less than $50 |

...light, bright, and beautiful! I'm always nervous when I try to pick an aqua color that it's going to be too blue or too green or too neon, but Clear Pond was perfection-- the exact color I was looking for.

How to Revamp a Powder Room for Less than $50 |

Not bad for $4 worth of paint + a sparkly little knob I already had! 🙂 Oh and speaking of that...

2. I shopped my house.

On Friday I talked about the oh-so-simple shelf we made for this room:

How to Revamp a Powder Room for Less than $50 |

It is painted in my most favorite shade of white (yes, there are totally shades of white!), Behr Marquee Cameo White MQ3-32. The shelf and everything sitting on it cost me a grand total of $0-- all items I already had. {I told Donnie that my home decor & craft supply hoarding tendencies would come in handy one day!! 🙂 } I grabbed a bunch of accessories from my stash as well as some weeds beautiful clippings from my front yard, and I had instant shelf decor!

How to Revamp a Powder Room for Less than $50 |

3. I got creative with "art."

One of my favorite ways to save money on art is to think outside of the box and frame things you wouldn't necessarily think of. The floral "print" on my shelf is actually wrapping paper. I've also framed gift bags before, as well as fabric, paper napkins, pretty cards, old book pages, paint chips, washi tape designs-- there are so many options!

How to Revamp a Powder Room for Less than $50 |

4. I incorporated family pieces.

I also love to incorporate family items that have special meaning {and are, again, free!}. The old books were my grandmother's, who I never got to meet, and actually, I included an old black and white photo of her on the wall opposite the shelf as well.

How to Revamp a Powder Room for Less than $50 |

5. I made things myself.

Another way to fill frames for free is to make something yourself! I created the "It is well with my soul" print in about 5 minutes, just using some text and a free graphic from PicMonkey.

How to Revamp a Powder Room for Less than $50 |

Moving over to the wall next to the vanity, I added a towel ring, which I tend to like better than the old towel bar we had before, and more art.

How to Revamp a Powder Room for Less than $50 |

6. I kept an eye out for sales.

Would you believe that I found the feather print on Etsy for just $1.25?! Yay sales!

How to Revamp a Powder Room for Less than $50 |

7. I took advantage of technology.

I love the look of watercolor, but I'm not so good at it myself, so for the smaller piece on this wall, I used the Waterlogue app on my phone to make one of the photos from our beach vacation look watercolor-esque. Then I had it printed for just 30 cents-- doesn't get much cheaper than that! 🙂

So do you think I stayed within my $50 budget? Here's the breakdown:

  • Paint sample- $4
  • New rug- $15
  • Towel ring- $14
  • Towel- $6
  • Basket on commode- $6
  • Feather art- $1.25
  • Beach photo- $0.30

Grand total: $46.55 -- Woot!

Not a bad little transformation for less than $50! And wait until you see the before and after. Ridiculous.

How to Revamp a Powder Room for Less than $50 |

I would say it looks just a tiny bit better. 🙂 We are still moving along on our kitchen/ entire-front-area-of-the-house renovation, and I will be back on Wednesday with another update, so be sure to check in then!

How to Revamp a Powder Room for Less than $50 |

Have a wonderful week!

Delightful Sign Off

A huge thanks to Behr for sponsoring this post! My favorable opinion of beautiful, high-quality paint is 100% my own. 🙂 For more information, see my disclosures here.

Powder Room Decorating Ideas On A Budget


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