
Dark Blue Carpet, Decorating Ideas

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Any ideas for decorating a house with deep blue carpet?

(16 Posts)

tiutinkerbell Wed 24-Feb-16 14:21:11

Hi all,

I am moving to a new rental flat in a couple of weeks where the bedroom and living room are decorated with deep blue carpet.

In my current flat, carpet is neutral with red themed decor which won't exactly complement the blue, so I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts to on how to decorate the bedroom/living room without spending too much? I would love some idea on colour schemes as I have no idea what would look good with blue! Walls are all painted an off white colour.

I have a beige IKEA sofa and oak wood furniture at the moment which will probably have to stay as I can't afford to buy everything new but I could change soft furnishings. Will need new curtains as my current ones are red and beige.

I really love the idea of cosy, comfy spaces and am worried the blue will make the rooms look very dark and very cold - they are small anyway so I don't want to make them look tiny!

Any advice would be much appreciated!

mrsmortis Wed 24-Feb-16 16:03:39

My room growing up had a dark blue carpet. I had pale peach walls the bedding was sort of blue and peach floral (it was the 1980s, don't hold it against me).

It'll depend on the exact colour of the carpet. But it won't need to be cold.

justaweeone Thu 25-Feb-16 09:00:41

justaweeone Thu 25-Feb-16 09:01:30

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Another one

justaweeone Thu 25-Feb-16 09:07:03

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Or use elements of oriental style or morrocan style
Use of rugs to break it up
Maybe lots of white especially in the bedroom
Copper accessories in the sitting room
Dunelm mill have cheap copper lampshades, photo frames etc at the moment

tiutinkerbell Thu 25-Feb-16 09:50:19

Ah thank you so much everybody - these are brilliant ideas.

Love the idea of mixing with grey and white... I may get a grey carpet for the living room to go in front of the sofa underneath the coffee table. I already have a grey throw over the sofa so that would work well.

White is definitely going to be my theme in the bedroom I think, it is quite a small flat so I am conscious of not making it feel any smaller than it already is. I have white bedding so maybe a white rug in there somewhere. I do need new wardrobes so could go for white there too but my bed is oak coloured, which may not look so great.

Never even thought of Dunelm Mill, will check out the copper accessories. They would really compliment the carpet!


justaweeone Thu 25-Feb-16 13:22:45

Have you though about painting your bed?

tiutinkerbell Thu 25-Feb-16 13:52:10

The thought hadn't actually even crossed my mind! Thank you for that suggestion, painting my bed and bedside table in white and then getting a matching wardrobe (fitted wardrobes in current place so need to buy new) could be a perfect solution... I will have to ask my Dad (source of all knowledge) whether it is paintable - but is definitely a cost saving option of buying a whole new bed!

justaweeone Thu 25-Feb-16 15:17:11

Google Annie Sloan chalk paint, that will go over anything. Often you just use an eggshell paint(have done so many a time on furniture).
I have bought second hand wardrobes and painted them.

tiutinkerbell Thu 25-Feb-16 15:37:14

Oh this stuff looks amazing - I've never even heart of it before! Looks like that might cover the oak if I choose a white... only issue is how long it might take to try. I could sleep on an airbed for a while though! Will consult with my DIY pro Dad she what he thinks... this looks like such a good idea!

justaweeone Thu 25-Feb-16 15:56:50

Dries really quickly but you need to wax it as well.
Drag your mattress on the floor and sleep on that.

tiutinkerbell Thu 25-Feb-16 16:19:24

Did you just buy the paint and wax online justaweeone? Great plan with the mattress... I think I could probably paint it without taking it apart as well. Good to know it dries quickly, thank you!

HereIAm20 Thu 25-Feb-16 17:47:17

Have you checked that your landlord will let you decorate? If not the fact that it is off white means you will at last be able to jazz it up with accessories.

justaweeone Thu 25-Feb-16 20:25:58

I bought it from a local stockist but there aren't loads
Which county are you in?
Yes don't need to take apart
If your dad is a diy expert he will probably not be able to get his head round the chalk paint slap it on and no prep
Don't buy the Annie s brushes any cheap on will do

tiutinkerbell Thu 25-Feb-16 20:40:07

HereIAm20 - I haven't actually checked if I am allowed to decorate or not. I am hoping to be able to do at least some personalisation but I know I have to get my landlords OK to do so before I do anything!

justaweeone - my Dad loves the idea of not having to prime anything, I said I would send him the link so he could check it out. I am in Birmingham.

justaweeone Thu 25-Feb-16 22:01:20

Gosh loads of stockists , we only have about one where we live.
Love Birmingham, my Dh is often up there with work so we have had a few trips there

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Dark Blue Carpet, Decorating Ideas


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